5 years of loss and damage impact

5 years of impact

5 years of loss and damage impact

How do we measure impact?

Meaningful work on Loss and Damage under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) isn’t measured by desirability, novelty, or awe factor but by its ability to drive meaningful change—advancing the agency of developing country negotiators, the engagement of civil society organisations, front line communities and Indigenous Peoples and helping people and organisations take bold leaps forward.

We see impact when...

...a negotiator for the Global South sees the value of our work.

...a news article references one of our outputs or quotes one of our team or our members.

...there is a large amount of engagement with one of social media posts.

...and when we hear positive feedback from our members and the wider Loss and Damage community.


5 years at a glance

In just 5 short years, our membership has grown from a handful of Loss and Damage heroes…

…to over 250 active members

...with a diverse membership, ranging from policy makers, negotiators, researchers, lawyers and advocates to art and cultural practitioners, young climate leaders and climate activists

…hailing from over 69 countries across six continents.

Our working groups

In our first 5 years we have seen 7 active working groups and projects established, flourish and deliver thought leadership on...

Our outputs

In 5 short years we have delivered over 138 major outputs including…




Briefs, key messages and submissions




International Campaign

In the last year alone, through our website and social media platforms, we have reached millions of people that speak 54 languages, in 5000 cities, 217 countries and regions...

































Our influence

Since 2021, our outputs and reporting have featured in over 80 media articles on national and international platforms including...

…and in 2023, our work was featured in…

UNEP's Adaptation Gap Report

...a negotiator for the Global South sees the value of our work.

...a negotiator for the Global South sees the value of our work.

Impact in Key Areas

Loss and Damage Finance

Our thought leadership on Loss and Damage finance has contributed to the establishment and operationalisation of the Loss and Damage Fund and the work of its Board, scrutiny on Loss and Damage pledges and to ambition on Loss and Damage under work to set a New Collective Quantified Goal on Climate Finance.

Key milestones

The Loss and Damage Collaboration’s brief on the landscape of Loss and Damage Finance provided very valuable and comprehensive insights which informed my research, advisory functions for the Executive Committee of the Warsaw Mechanism and submissions informing the Transitional Committee process for the Loss and Damage Fund.

Reinhard Mechler
Systemic Risk & Resilience Group Lead
International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)

I would always check the Loss and Damage Collaboration's X account to get the latest updates of any key Loss and Damage events and meetings when I could not attend. The summary threads from the Loss and Damage TC or Board meetings, for example, were super helpful. In most cases, they were often the first to provide a summary and often more thorough than some of the major news outlets.

Kalyan Keo
Climate Policy Specialist

Santiago Network

As the leading —if not the only— organisation delivering thought leadership on the Santiago Network for Loss and Damage, we have contributed to the network’s establishment and operationalisation, the capacity of its Advisory Board members and to requests for technical assistance from the network.

Key milestones

The blogs, briefings, note-taking and media outreach that the Loss & Damage Collaboration provides are invaluable resources for anyone involved in the UNFCCC. They provide expertise, insight and resources that aren't available anywhere else and have been critical in elevating loss and damage in the UNFCCC space.

Adelle Thomas
Senior Director
Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC)

I engage with the L&DC's working groups when I can and reach out when I need targeted support. The outputs are extremely helpful in my work as a negotiator and Advisory Board member of the Santiago Network. I have especially found the outputs on the Santiago Network useful and hope that this work can continue as the Network is fully operationalised and begins providing much needed technical assistance to developing countries like mine.

Idy Niang
Loss and Damage Negotiator
Member of the Advisory Board for the Santiago Network

I am very grateful for the tireless efforts by the Loss and Damage collaboration, to share information and updates from the global negotiations about climate related loss and damage. It is very helpful, for all of us wanting to follow these debates.

Mattias Söderberg
Global Climate Lead

Non Economic Loss and Damage

With the climate crisis causing loss and damage to biodiversity, health, culture, identity and many other types of non-economic loss and damage (NELD), we have worked to bring the research community together with Loss and Damage policy makers and negotiators to ensure that developing countries have what they need in place to understand and address NELD.

Key milestones

Through the L&DC, I met other researchers focusing on non-economic loss and damage, with whom I have written several reports and academic papers. Their platform has also allowed me to better understand the policy priorities around non-economic loss and damage, and how to bring my research into the policy debate.

Douwe van Schie
PhD Candidate
University of Bonn

The Loss and Damage Collaboration is instrumental in my research on non-economic loss and damage (NELD). The collaboration consistently provides detailed updates on negotiations and ground-breaking resources that have helped me produce better research. Most importantly, however, it has created an effective global network of researchers and advocates working on NELD.

Dr Guy Jackson
Assistant Professor
Department of Social Sciences, Northumbria University

The note taking system has greatly enhanced my ability to capture and retain key information from various L&D negotiations sessions, while the Master document has provided a comprehensive and organised resource that has been invaluable to our day-to-day reporting on the L&D deliberations... The impact of this initiative has been felt across the team, and I have no doubt that it has contributed to the overall assistance of developing countries delegations with small teams.

Naima Oumoussa
Adaptation and Loss and Damage negotiator
Ministry of Energy Transition and Sustainable DevelopmentMorocco

Recognising that loss and damage is already severely undermining the enjoyment of a wide range of human rights, we work to ensure that human rights are respected, protected and promoted in the context of climate-related harm and approaches to address loss and damage.

Loss and Damage and Human Rights

Key milestones

Loss and Damage, Human Mobility and Displacement

Our groundbreaking work on displacement and human mobility in the context of Loss and Damage workstreams under the UNFCCC —including the Loss and Damage Fund, Santiago Network, the Warsaw International Mechanism for Loss and Damage and the expert groups of its Executive Committee— convenes a large and varied group of stakeholders from UN agencies to civil society organisations and policy makers at all levels to develop key messages speaking to policy moments and knowledge gaps.

Key milestones

Like so many, the Loss and Damage Collaboration keeps us abreast of developments in the UN climate change space. From landscape policy overviews to detailed climate funding, L&DC is our go-to space for information and collaboration, even creative storytelling, crucial to humanizing the very real loss and damage millions of displaced people are suffering every day.

Amali Tower
Founder and Executive Director
Climate Refugees


Despite the critical importance of self-care, well-being and mental health, Loss and Damage actors often shoulder overwhelming workloads that impact their mental, physical, and emotional well-being. We therefore seek to foster essential conversations to cultivate well-being within our community to ensure a thriving network of change-makers.

Key milestones

The omnipresence of the Loss and Damage Collaboration in the diverse L&D space is invaluable, I find their notes, their twitter feed and the policy position papers invaluable to stay up to speed on all things loss and damage. They provide a tremendous service to everyone interested in Loss and Damage, whether it’s the state of play in the negotiations, country issues or loss and damage practice The Loss and Damage Collaboration is the place to go.

Colin McQuistan
Head of Climate and Resilience
Practical Action

Art and Culture and Loss and Damage

Through our groundbreaking Art and Culture project we have worked to facilitate a transdisciplinary exchange around the issue of Loss and Damage through the Ways of Repair : Loss and Damage artist in residency, Text of Repair commissions and public program of events.

Key milestones

The Ways of Repair : Loss and Damage program has provided a groundbreaking platform for transdisciplinary discussion on Loss and Damage. The open call for the artist in residency program saw over 740 applications and the public program has brought together activists, advocates, researchers and policymakers working on Loss and Damage with critical thinkers, artists, film makers and many other cultural and creative practitioners

Lena Dobrowolska
Artist, filmmaker, practice-based researcher and educator

The New Generation

The trail blazing New Generation program has been a joint initiative between the Climate Leadership Initiative and the L&DC with the aim of empowering young negotiators and climate leaders from the global South to advocate for support for addressing loss and damage in their countries and communities.

Key milestones

The capacity building on the Loss and Damage negotiations in the UNFCCC process and the intensive communications work undertaken by the Loss and Damage Collaboration is a public service to all who want to raise ambition on loss and damage finance. The most unique part of the Loss and Damage Collaboration is to bring in negotiators, NGOs, academics from all levels of experience on loss and damage work to built a trustful environment to work together for more climate justice for the most vulnerable communities.

Sabine Minninger
Senior Policy Advisor on Climate Change
Brot für die Welt | Bread for the World

5 years of impact

made possible by our funders:

Bread for the World
Climate Ambition Support Alliance
Climate Emergency Collaboration Group (CECG)
Climate Justice Resilience Fund
Commonwealth Foundation
European Climate Foundation
Heinrich Böll Foundation, Washington DC
International Organization for Migration (IOM)
Open Society Foundations
Practical Action
Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung - New York Office
Unitarian Universalist Service Committee (UUSC)

Explore more of our work here:

©️ Loss and Damage Collaboration 2024