These definitions were developed by members of the Loss and Damage Collaboration, the Loss and Damage Network and researchers and academics working on Loss and Damage.

An Introduction
to Loss and Damage

What is loss and damage (small “l” and “d”)? What is Loss and Damage (big “L” and “D”)?

What are the different types of loss and damage?

What causes loss and damage?

How is Loss and Damage different from adaptation?

Why is Loss and Damage an important topic?

How much does Loss and Damage cost and who is paying for it?

What is the difference between Loss and Damage and liability and compensation?

Political and Financial Action
on Loss and Damage

How much will climate change induced loss and damage cost?

Who is currently paying for loss and damage?

What kind of support do developing countries need to address loss and damage?

How can support be provided to the climate vulnerable developing countries?

Loss and Damage
in the UNFCCC

What is the UNFCCC?

What is the history of Loss and Damage within the UNFCCC?

Why is it important to discuss Loss and Damage under the UNFCCC?  

What is the Warsaw International Mechanism?

What has the WIM done since it was established?

Methods to address loss and damage

What tools and approaches are needed to address loss and damage?

What is comprehensive risk management?