The Pacific Islands have been largely excluded from COP26. More than half of their planned delegation has been forced to cancel their travel due to delayed visas, exorbitant ticket prices, closed COVID borders, inability to get badges and refused repatriation.
But this new form of climate colonialism will NOT stop Pacific People.
Today Pacific Islands Climate Action Network (PICAN) are launching the Pacific COP26 Demands to make sure that Pacific Voices are NOT marginalized.
Watch Pacific Islanders give our Topline 7 Pacific Demands in this powerful new video. The demands are:
1. Fossil fuels are fossils, keep them in the ground to save the Pacific! No new coal, oil or gas projects, and an immediate end to all fossil fuel subsidies, everywhere.
2. Show real commitment, your NDCs must limit global heating to 1.5 degrees, we’re already out of time in the islands. Sustained, radical, and socially just cuts to emissions are required now, not later.
3. Show us the money! Mobilize all of the promised US$100 billion annually until 2025, and agree that Polluters must Pay the trillions actually needed for resilient Pacific peoples and communities.
4. Loss and Damage is life and death in the Pacific: Your political will is required now to finance and deliver support to the Pacific people who are already losing everything.
5. Climate change is a symptom of deeper injustice and inequalities. Gender justice and women's human rights and empowerment is a precondition for climate, social, economic, ecological and climate justice
6. Climate justice will prevail. Your emissions are already responsible for the loss of universal human rights, and environmental rights of Pacific people, communities and ecosystems. We will see you in courts of law, and in all other forums, to protect and retain our Rights.
7. Global climate negotiations at COP26 must be inclusive, intersectional, and intergenerational: Do not dare to marginalize the voices of Pacific Island peoples.
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