
SB56 Side Event:

Glasgow Dialogue,

What Happened

and What Next

for L&D Finance?

13 / 06 / 2022
Video credit: UNFCCC

This UNFCCC SB56 side event brought negotiators and civil society together to reflect on the Glasgow Dialogue and to look forward at what comes next on the road to COP27 in delivering finance to address loss and damage.

Speakers included:

Harjeet Singh - Climate Action International

Sindra Sharma - Climate Action International

Tasneem Essop - Climate Action International

Liane Schalatek - Heinrich Böll Stiftung

Adao Soares Barbosa - Ambassador at Large for Climate Affairs for the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste for the LDC group

Ambassador of Pakistan - On behalf of the G77 & China