"Without addressing loss and damage, there will be no climate justice". - Vanessa Nakate
The launch of CAN International and The Loss and Damage Collaboration's brief "Towards A Glasgow Dialogue That Matters" on the 3rd of May 2022 also saw the launch of the updated version of the short film "This Is Loss and Damage - Who Pays?.
Narrated by well-known actor Mark Strong and featuring Ugandan Climate Justice Activist, Vanessa Nakate, and Loss and Damage experts Professor Saleemul Huq and Harjeet Singh. The film explores who climate change-induced loss and damage is taking lives and destroying homes, schools and livelihoods around the world as climate intensified disasters like hurricanes, wildfires and floods become increasingly frequent.
Although as of 2022 loss and damage is happening everywhere, the film highlights how loss and damage is impacting the poorest and most vulnerable individuals, communities, and countries in the global South who are least responsible for the climate crisis.
By watching viewers will find out why there has been so little action on Loss and Damage by those responsible for the climate crisis and what needs to happen at COP27 for it to be judged a success by those on the front lines of the climate crisis.
As well as how financial support from loss and damage can be funded by the fossil fuel companies that are responsible for the climate crisis and how the success or failure of COP 27 will be judged on whether or not finance for Loss and Damage is finally provided...
This film, which is part of the launch of the Make Polluters Pay campaign and has been supported by Make Polluters Pay, Stamp Out Poverty, Brot für die Welt (Bread for the World) and Heinrich Boell Stiftung Washington, DC.
For those who want to do more than just watch!
You can sign this petition calling on Boris Johnson to fully back the creation of an international loss and damage fund at COP27.
And get involved in the work being done by the Make Polluters Pay Coalition to draw much-needed attention to loss and damage in the run-up to COP27 here.
Please also share this film widely!!