Project on Loss and Damage Finance
Our Loss and Damage Finance Project was established in the lead-up to COP 26 to raise the profile of the need to massively  scale up finance to address loss and damage in developing countries. The project aims to provide space for those working on Loss and Damage finance to coordinate, share intel, undertake research, develop key advocacy messages and provide thought leadership. The project addresses two key issues: 

The first is to ensure that finance to address loss and damage in developing countries reaches the scale of the needs. Our aim is to mobilise $400 billion USD a year through the Loss and Damage Fund having secured a Loss and Damage sub goal with a floor of $400 billion USD under the New Collective Quantified Goal on Climate Finance in 2024.  

The second is to provide thought leadership on the work needed to fully operationalize the Loss and Damage Fund. This includes ensuring that the World Bank as the interim host of the secretariat of the Fund enables direct access to Loss and Damage finance to developing countries, Indigenous Peoples, community organisations and groups, and that meaning full participation is guaranteed for active observers of in the work of the  Board.  

For enquiries directly related to the Project on Loss and Damage Finance please contact:

See concept note here:
This is a project which started at COP25 in Madrid 2019. At that meeting of the countries who are members of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and its Paris Agreement, the Santiago Network for averting, minimising and addressing loss and damage associated with the adverse effects of climate change (Santiago Network) was established.

The Santiago Network offered hope to frontline communities in the climate crisis that a body had been created to help them address loss and damage. This body would make sure there was action and support being provided on the ground in their communities including helping them access finance, technology and build their capacity to address these impacts. This was in the context of a world where climate impacts are increasing, and this is being felt by the most vulnerable people in our society who are the least responsible for climate change. These impacts are rapidly becoming worse.

This project started under the banner of the Loss and Damage Collaboration, an informal group of practitioners, researchers, activists and decision makers from both the global North and South who have expertise on a range of topics relating to the need to address loss and damage. It had a number of projects, including the Santiago Network Project which developed a committed group from a range of backgrounds led by Doreen Stabinsky and Heidi White who were concerned that the Santiago Network might become no more than a website.

The Santiago Network Working Group, as it was then called, has since been tireless in seeking to steer the negotiations on the Santiago Network from something that had become a website to something that had a dedicated negotiations stream under the UNFCCC, and a comprehensive decision with dedicated finance, agreed form and functions and a process for review. This included publications; advocacy e.g. interventions at meetings of negotiators on the Santiago Network and participation in and chairing of meetings of the Adaptation and Loss and Damage Friends Group which is led by the UK COP26 Presidency team; as well as coordination, capacity building, and support on the ground at the COP26 negotiations in Glasgow, United Kingdom in November 2021.

At COP26 there was positive progress, and the work of the Santiago Network Project will now shift to the 2022 negotiations where financial arrangements will be further elaborated and a decision will be adopted regarding the form or ‘institutional arrangements’ of the Santiago Network to finalise the decision to operationalise the Santiago Network and enable it to provide the help that vulnerable communities need to survive.

The Santiago Network Project is open to members from any background. It is important that our input into the negotiations is well-informed and based on the best available advice. We are particularly concerned to involve marginalised groups whose voices are not always heard to ensure the best outcome possible for the negotiations. We cannot be perfect but we can be ambitious and try as much as possible to learn from the past so that the assistance that is urgently needed is provided. These communities need help now and we need to ensure that the Santiago Network becomes effectively operationalised at COP27 in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt.

For enquiries directly related to the Santiago Network Project please contact the Project Lead heidimareewhite [@]
Team Members
Brenda mwale
Brenda  is the Coordinator for the Finance Working Group and also serves as the Member Engagement Lead for the Collaboration. She has more than eight years of experience in policy advocacy, community engagement, partnerships, climate education, and intergovernmental processes. She is currently a negotiator for Malawi on Loss and Damage and coordinates the Finance Working Group of the L&DC. She has expertise in gender and youth mainstreaming and engagement. Brenda is also a farmer and uses the platform to advocate for sustainable food systems.
Strategy Lead
Sindra Sharma
Sindra is an expert in climate policy and international development, emphasising climate justice for Small Island Developing States (SIDS). With a PhD from the London School of Economics and multidisciplinary advanced degrees from the University of Auckland, she has contributed to the climate dialogue by advising negotiators and working with Civil Society to advance climate justice narratives in policy discussions and broader contexts, approaching loss and damage in a holistic and integrated manner. She oversees the L&DC’s strategic planning, working with members to  develop and execute comprehensive strategic plans in alignment with the L&DC’s overarching goal and mission statement.
Technical Expert
Leia  is a climate justice and women’s rights activist and has a Masters degree in Sustainability Sciences and Policy (MsC) from Maastricht University. With over 10 years experience, Achampong has a background in research, policy analysis and advocacy on climate change issues, and has published several book chapters and UN expert papers on climate finance. Previously, Leia worked at Eurodad on climate finance and climate justice, at WWF European Policy Office, Climate Action Network-Europe, and Campaign Against Climate Change. Currently Leia engages in the Loss and Damage Collaboration in a personal capacity, and sits on the Board of the Transatlantic Alumni Network (TAN).
Technical Expert
Hyacinthe Niyitegeka
Hyacinthe is a water scientist and climate negotiator with experience in the fields of Loss and Damage and climate policy in general. She currently serves as coordinator of the L&DC, a role in which she oversees day to day operations and leads the mapping of activities related to Loss and Damage. In her work, she also ensures coordination of the L&DC general membership by working closely with the leaders of our projects, programmes, and initiatives. She has experience working on climate policy in diverse contexts. Additionally, Hyacinthe co-founded the Loss and Damage Youth Coalition, and she led their advocacy working group.
Laura Schäfer
Laura is a political scientist and a senior advisor for climate risk management with the environmental and development organisation Germanwatch. Laura has over 10 years of experience in developing strategies, ideas and research focused on the nexus of resilience building to deal with climate change impacts, climate finance and climate justice. Her current policy and think tank work concentrates on developing adequate solutions to address loss and damage in the international climate policy process that respond to the needs of those on the frontline of climate change, following a human rights-based approach. Laura is also a co-author of the Climate Risk Index and the coordinator of the Working Group on Adaptation and Loss and Damage of the Climate Action Network.
Eva is a training coordinator for the Loss and Damage Youth Coalition and the Chief Finance Officer of The Green Protector. Her work mainly focuses on climate finance advocacy and raising awareness about the need for loss and damage finance for developing countries.
Teo Ormond- Skeaping
Teo is an award winning artist, filmmaker and photographer working on projects relating to political ecology, Loss and Damage, climate-induced migration and displacement, Slow Violence and the political and cultural critique of the Anthropocene. Teo also works to coordinate the Loss and Damage collaborations Advocacy and Outreach program and Art and Culture program and their communications work.
Project Outputs