We develop and host publications authored independently and in collaboration with practitioners, researchers, activists, artists and decision makers from both the global North and South. The publications we host here focus on a range of topics relating to the need to address climate change related loss and damage. This work builds on key literature on Loss and Damage, some of which is included in our library.
For more papers and briefs on Loss and Damage please visit the University London’s
Politics of Climate Change Loss and Damage and Stockholm Environment Institute’s
Designing a Loss and Damage Fund for the UNFCCC’s Warsaw International Mechanism. The
International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis has also undertaken significant work on Loss and Damage and the United Nations University’s
Institute for Environment and Human Security has a comprehensive library on Loss and Damage literature.
For a comprehensive overview of Loss and Damage we encourage you to download
Loss and Damage from Climate Change: Concepts, Methods and Policy Options.
For a list of publications authored by the L&DC, please see