Ahead of the fourth meeting (TC4) of the Transitional Committee (TC) of the Loss and Damage Fund that will happen in Aswan, Egypt, from the 17-20th of October, members of the Loss and Damage Collaboration (L&DC) have prepared a set of key messages on the 13 issues identified by the Co-Chairs of the Transitional Committee where agreement has yet to be reached. TC4 will see TC members trying to find agreement on the recommendations that they will send to COP28. TC4 will see TC members trying to find agreement on the recommendations that they will send to COP28. To make sure that a fit-for-purpose Loss and Damage Fund is operationalised at COP 28, one that meets the needs of communities in developing countries impacted by loss and damage, TC members will need to provide strong recommendations to COP 28 for the operationalisation of the Loss and Damage Fund. With so many issues outstanding TC4 will require allot of work to be done in a short amount of time.
This document, which will be useful for communications and advocacy work during TC4, contains:
1. An introduction to what is at stake at TC4
2. Notes on priorities for TC4
3. A set of key messages for each of the 13 issues that will be negotiated at TC4