This advocacy brief underscores the importance of establishing robust, inclusive mechanisms for meaningful participation by all rightsholders, especially affected communities and groups . It also outlines the strategic modalities the Board of the Loss and Damage Fund (LDF) should prioritize when developing operational policies and guidelines.
This brief aims to bridge the gap between policy intentions and actionable outcomes, advocating for a transparent and fully accountable participatory framework that not only ensures equitable access to the fund but also empowers communities to lead and innovate in efforts to deal with the unavoidable climate impacts they are facing.
By delineating clear, actionable strategies for stakeholder engagement, governance, and operational modalities, the brief serves as a roadmap for LDF Board members. It underscores the urgency of fostering an enabling environment where meaningful participation can thrive, thereby enhancing the Fund's impact and driving forward the global agenda for climate justice, human rights, and sustainable development.
This brief has been jointly published by the ACE Observatory, Columbia Climate School, Heinrich Böll Stiftung, Washington DC, the Center for International Environmental Law, and the Loss and Damage Collaboration.