This technical paper follows a brief which summarised areas of convergence and divergence on the Santiago Network that have emerged since COP 26 including as contained in submissions and discussed at a technical workshop arranged by the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) secretariat in collaboration with the Chairs of the Subsidiary Bodies (SBs).
The objective of this paper is to provide more detailed information to assist those having more in-depth discussions at the 56th meeting of the Subsidiary Bodies (SB 56) from 6 – 16 June 2022. It does so by providing an overview of the COP decision operationalising the Climate Technology Centre and Network, setting out the COP/CMA decisions agreed so far regarding the Santiago Network, and finally by presenting views and perspectives expressed thus far regarding the various aspects of the institutional arrangements of the Santiago Network.
The paper concludes with recommendations of possible elements for discussion at SB 56 that Parties could consider as needed to operationalise a fit for purpose Santiago Network that delivers on the needs of developing countries. Of course, Parties must use this as a guide only for the types of elements that they may need to consider in their negotiations rather than a comprehensive indicator of elements needed.