27 / 06 / 2024

The Second Meeting of the Board of the Loss and Damage Fund will take place from the 09th to the 12th of July in Songdo - Incheon, in the Republic of Korea. Key items on the provisional agenda include:

  • Selection of the Executive Director of the Fund
  • Selection of the host country of the Board
  • Additional rules of procedure of the Board
  • Workplan of the Board
  • Matters relating to the operationalization of the Fund as a World Bank-hosted
  • financial intermediary fund
  • Access modalities, including in relation to the development of relevant indicators
  • and triggers to clarify access, and operational modalities for the Fund, including a
  • functional equivalency framework
  • Financial instruments, modalities and facilities
  • Arrangements between the Conference of the Parties, the Conference of the Parties
  • serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Paris Agreement, and the Board
  • Participation of active observers in Board meetings and related proceedings
  • Arrangements for establishing and operationalizing an annual high-level dialogue
  • Matters under consultation by the Co-Chairssome text
    • Travel policy
    • Name of the Fund
    • Other matters discussed by the Board at its first meeting

In advance of the meeting the Loss and Damage Collaboration has prepared a set of key messages responding to agenda items 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14. This living document will continue to be updated as the meeting progresses and contributions and questions are welcome.

Read the full text here: