06 / 09 / 2024

The Twenty First meeting of the Executive Committee (ExCom) of the Warsaw International Mechanism for Loss and Damage will take place between the 11th and 13th of September 2024 in Bonn, Germany. The provisional agenda for the meeting includes key items such as:

  1. Preparation of voluntary guidelines for enhancing collection and management of data and information to inform the preparation of biennial transparency reports;
  2. How the latest climate science can inform policy-making relevant to averting, minimizing, and addressing loss and damage;
  3. Work related to on slow onset events, non-economic losses, comprehensive risk management approaches, human mobility and action and support;
  4. Cross-cutting activities of the second five-year rolling workplan of the ExCom;
  5. Collaboration with the advisory board of the Santiago Network;
  6. Collaboration with the entities that form the Loss and Damage funding arrangements, including the funding arrangement;
  7. Recommendations to be included in the 2024 ExCom annual report;

The following key messages which will continue to be updated, respond to each of the agenda items for ExCom 21,  and build upon and/or situate the recommendations gathered from across the L&DC’s membership and outputs.

Read the full text here: