112. Senator Sherry Rehman, Senate of Pakistan, Vice President, Pakistan People’s Party

111. Prof Dr Armin Grau MdB, Member of the Health and the Environmental Committees, Deutscher Bundestag, Greens

110. Katharina Beck MdB, Head of financial policy of the German Greens, Deputy head of the financial committee, Deutscher Bundestag, Greens

109. Erhard Grundl MdB , Deutscher Bundestag, Greens

108. Oras Tynkkynen, Member of Parliament, Parliament of Finland, Green Party
107. Dr Stephen Farry MP, UK Parliament, Deputy Leader, Alliance Party
United Kingdom
106. Sun-Han Hung, Legislative Yuan, Democratic Progressive Party (DPP)
Taiwan R.O.C.

105. Dr. Tim Read MP, MP for Brunswick, Victorian Legislative Assembly, Victorian Greens
104. Hon. Twaambo Elvis Mutinta, National Assembly of Zambia, United Party for National Development
103. Nora Mebarek MEP, Member of European Parliament, S&D
European Union

102. Hon. Saber Hossain Chowdhury, Special Envoy to the Honorable Prime Minister of Bangladesh for Climate Change and Chair, Parliamentary Standing Committee on Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Bangladesh Awami League

101. Catherine Chabaud MEP, Member of European Parliament, Renew Europe
European Union

100. Hon. Lamin J. Sanneh, National Assembly National Assembly of The Gambia, United Democratic Party
The Gambia

99. Baroness Natalie Bennett of Manor Castle, House of Lords, Green Party
United Kingdom
98. Gwendoline Delbos-Corfield MEP, Member of European Parliament, Greens/EFA
European Union

97. Hon. Gisli Rafn Olafsson, Deputy Chairman Industrial Committee, Member International Development Committee, Althingi - Parliament of Iceland, Pirate Party

96. Nicola Sturgeon MSP, Member of Scottish Parliament and former First Minister, Scottish National Party

95. Damien Carême MEP, Member of European Parliament, Greens/EFA
European Union

94. Benoit Biteau MEP, Member of European Parliament, Greens/EFA
European Union

93. Hon. Johnson Gwaikolo, Liberian House of Representatives Congress for Democratic Change

92. Lydie Massard MEP, Member of European Parliament, Greens/EFA
European Union

91. Mounir Satouri MEP, Member of European Parliament, Greens/EFA
European Union

90. Michèle Rivasi MEP, Member of European Parliament, Greens/EFA
European Union

89. Manon Aubry MEP, Co-Chair of The Left Group in the European Parliament, Member of European Parliament, La France insoumise
European Union

88. Hon. Andrew Napuat, 4th Deputy Speaker of Parliament, Graon mo Jastis Pati
Republic of Vanuatu

87. Marie Toussaint MEP, Member of European Parliament, Eurodéputée, Greens
European Union

86. Juma Zacharia Deng MP, Transitional National Legislative Assembly South Sudan, Sudan People's Liberation Movement in Opposition
South Sudan

85. Hon. Agho Oliver Bamenju MP, Youth Wing Bureau Member, National Assembly Cameroon, Cameroon's People Democratic Movement

84. Hon. Herlinde Lucia Tjiveze MP, Chief Whip MP, Namibian Parliament, Republican Party

83. Hon. Senator Rosa Galvez, Senate of Canada, Independent

82. Caroline Roose MEP, Member of the European Parliament, Greens/EFA
European Union

81. Pierre Larrouturou MEP, Member of the European Parliament, Nouvelle Donne
European Union

80. Hon. Christophe Emelee, Minister of Internal Affairs, RMC
Republic of Vanuatu

79. Hon. Rick Mahe Tchamako, Minister of Internal Affairs, RMC
Republic of Vanuatu

78. Hon. Charlot Salwai Tabimasmas, Prime Minister, RMC
Republic of Vanuatu

77. Hon. Tomker Netvunei, Minister of Youth and Sports, Leaders Party
Republic of Vanuatu

76. Hon. John William Timakata, Minister of Lands and Natural Resources, Vanuaaku Pati
Republic of Vanuatu

75. Hon. Matai Seremaiah, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Leaders Party
Republic of Vanuatu

74. Hon. Marcelino Barthelemy, Chairman, Institutional and Constitutional Affairs Committee, RMC
Republic of Vanuatu

73. Hon. Marcelino Barthelemy, Chairman, Institutional and Constitutional Affairs Committee, RMC
Republic of Vanuatu

72. Hon. Gaetan Pikioune, Chairman, Social Affairs Committee, RMC
Republic of Vanuatu

71. Hon. Anatol Hymak, Minister of Trade and Tourism, Union of Moderate Parties
Republic of Vanuatu

70. Hon. John Salong, Minister of Finance and Economic Management, Graon mo Jastis Pati
Republic of Vanuatu

69. Hon. John Amos Vacher, Minister of Justice and Community Services, Leaders Party
Republic of Vanuatu

68. Hon. Job Andy, Chairman, Ad Hoc Committee, Leaders Party
Republic of Vanuatu

67. Hon. Ian Wilson, Member of Parliament, Leaders Party
Republic of Vanuatu

66. Hon. Alick Terry, Vice Chairman, Public Accounts Committee, Graon mo Jastis Pati
Republic of Vanuatu

65. Hon. Ralph Regenvanu, Party President, Graon mo Jastis Pati
Republic of Vanuatu

64. Hon. Jotham Napat, Party President, Leaders Party
Republic of Vanuatu

63. Allegra Spender MP, Independent Federal Member for Wentworth, Australian House of Representatives, Independent
62. Maiko Tajima, Member of the House of Councillors, Constitutional Democratic Party

61. Adam Bandt MP, Leader of the Australian Greens, MP for Melbourne, Australian Federal Parliament, Australian Greens
60. Thomas Waitz MEP, European Parliament, Grüne
European Union

59. Dr Philippa Whitford MP, Member of Parliament for Central Ayrshire, UK Parliament, Scottish National Party
United Kingdom
58. Senator Barbara Pocock, Australian Greens
57. Lord Fakafanua, Speaker of Parliament, Legislative Assembly of Tonga, Independent

56. Alex Rowley MSP, Scottish Parliament, Scottish Labour

55. John Mason MSP, Scottish Parliament, Scottish National Party

54. Ariane Burgess MSP, Green Group Convener, Scottish Parliament, Scottish Green Party

53. Senator Dorinda Cox, Senator for Western Australia, Australian Greens
52. Senator Jordon Steele-John, Australian Greens
51. Michelle Thomson MSP, Scottish Parliament, Scottish National Party

50. Colin Smyth MSP, Member of the Scottish Parliament for South Scotland, Scottish Labour

49. Stephen Bates MP, MP for Brisbane, Australian Greens
48. Helen Haines MP, Independent Federal Member for Indi, Member of the Australian House of Representatives, Independent
47. Carol Monaghan MP, Member of Parliament for Glasgow North West, UK Parliament, Scottish National Party
United Kingdom
46. Senator Larissa Waters, Senator for Queensland, Greens Leader in the Senate, Australian federal parliament, Australian Greens
45. Dr Monique Ryan MP, Member of the Australian House of Representatives for Kooyong, Independent
44. Caroline Lucas MP, UK Parliament, Green Party
United Kingdom
43. Sen Hamida Kibwana, Parliament of Kenya, Orange Democratic Movement

42. Rt Hon Sir George Howarth MP, UK Parliament, Labour Party
United Kingdom
41. Kylea Tink MP, Member for the Federal Electorate of North Sydney, Australian Federal Parliament, Independent
40. Michael Bloss MEP, European Parliament, Bündnis90/Grüne
European Union

39. David Torrance MSP, Scottish Parliament, Scottish National Party

38. Mark Ruskell MSP, Scottish Parliament, Scottish Green Party

37. Chris MacManus MEP, European Parliament, Sinn Féin,
European Union

36. Drew Hendry MP, Scottish Parliament, Scottish National Party Westminster Economy Spokesperson, Scottish National Party
United Kingdom
35. Ross Greer MSP, Scottish Parliament, Scottish Green Party

34. Paul Murphy TD, Dáil Éireann, People Before Profit
33. Ms Alison Thewliss MP, Shadow Home Affairs Spokesperson, UK Parliament, Scottish National Party
United Kingdom
32. Députée Sandrine Rousseau, Assemblée nationale, Ecologistes

31. Mr Stewart McDonald MP, UK Parliament, Scottish National Party
United Kingdom
30. Mr Kenny MacAskill MP, UK Parliament, Alba
United Kingdom
29. Mr Barry Andrews MEP, Member of European Parliament, Renew
European Union

28. Mr Mick Wallace MEP, Member of European Parliament, Independent 4 Change
European Union

27. Ms. Kathrin Henneberger, Bundestag, Bündnis90/Die Grünen (Green Party)

26. Mrs Patricia Gibson MP, UK Parliament, Scottish National Party,
United Kingdom
25. Petros Kokkalis MEP, Member of European Parliament, The Left
European Union

24. Député Hubert Julien-Laferrière, Membre de la Commission des affaires étrangères, Les écologistes , Assemblée Nationale

23. Députée Nadège Abomangoli, Secretary of the Foreign affairs commission, La France insoumise, Assemblée Nationale

22. Dr Abreham Berta Aneseyee, Advisory of the Parliament, Ethiopian Citizen for Social and Justices (EZEMA), House of Peoples Representatives

21. Ms Agnes Mpingana Kafula MP, Deputy Chairperson of Natural Resources Committee, South West Africa People's Organisation (SWAPO Party)

20. Hon. Amongin Jacquiline, Chair climate change sub committee, Independent, East African Legislative Assembly

19. Herlinde Lucia Tjiveze MP, National Assembly, Republican Party

18. Hon. Rebecca Yei Kamara, Law Maker, Sierra Leone People's Party
Sierra Leone

17. Hon. Abdoulie Ceesay, Deputy Majority Leader, Executive member, National Peoples Party

16. BiyiShartsi K Musherure, Independent, Parliament of Uganda

15. Hon. Yaya Gassama, Chairman, Environment and Climate Change Committee, United Democratic Party

14. Twaambo Mutinta MP, United party for National development
13. Juma Zacharia Deng Jonga MP, Transitional National Legislative Assembly, Sudan People's Liberation Movement-in-Opposition
South Sudan

12. Hon Solomon Maren Bulus, Peoples Democratic Party
11. Biyika Lawrence Songa MP, Chairperson of Parliamentary Committee and Forum on Climate Change, National Resistance Movement,

10. Sahar Albazar, Deputy chair of foreign affairs committee, Nation’s Future

9. Mohamed Ayib Salim Daffé, Président de la Comission des Délégations, Member of climate Committee, PASTEF Les Patriotes, National Assembly of Sénégal

8. Chris Law MP, UK Parliament, Scottish National Party
United Kingdom
7. Député Malick Kebe, Membre of commission, Yewwi Askan wi

6. Aissata Camara, Vice-president of the Economic Affairs and Sustainable Development Committee, Front for the National Alliance, National Council of the Transition

5. RT Hon. Alban Sumana Kingsford Bagbin, Speaker of Ghana’s Parliament, National Democratic Congress

4. Hon. Kaaya Christine Nakimwero, National Unity Platform

3. Foysol Choudhury MBE MSP, Scottish Parliament, Scottish Labour

2. Monica Lennon MSP, Scottish Parliament, Scottish Labour and Co-op

1. Maggie Chapman MSP, Scottish Parliament, Scottish Green Party

Hon. Ralph Regenvanu, Minister of Climate Change, Adaptation, Meteorology And
Geo-hazards, Energy, Environment and Disaster Risk-management
Republic of Vanuatu

Bob, Minister of Climate Change, Adaptation, Meteorology And
Geo-hazards, Energy, Environment and Disaster Risk-management
Republic of Vanuatu

Teo, Minister of Climate Change, Adaptation, Meteorology And
Geo-hazards, Energy, Environment and Disaster Risk-management
Republic of Vanuatu

86. Juma Zacharia Deng MP, Transitional National Legislative Assembly South Sudan, Sudan People's Liberation Movement in Opposition
South Sudan

85. Hon. Agho Oliver Bamenju MP, Youth Wing Bureau Member, National Assembly Cameroon, Cameroon's People Democratic Movement

84. Hon. Herlinde Lucia Tjiveze MP, Chief Whip MP, Namibian Parliament, Republican Party

83. Hon. Senator Rosa Galvez, Senate of Canada, Independent

82. Caroline Roose MEP, Member of the European Parliament, Greens/EFA
European Union

81. Pierre Larrouturou MEP, Member of the European Parliament, Nouvelle Donne
European Union

80. Hon. Christophe Emelee, Minister of Internal Affairs, RMC
Republic of Vanuatu

79. Hon. Rick Mahe Tchamako, Minister of Internal Affairs, RMC
Republic of Vanuatu

78. Hon. Charlot Salwai Tabimasmas, Prime Minister, RMC
Republic of Vanuatu

77. Hon. Tomker Netvunei, Minister of Youth and Sports, Leaders Party
Republic of Vanuatu

76. Hon. John William Timakata, Minister of Lands and Natural Resources, Vanuaaku Pati
Republic of Vanuatu

75. Hon. Matai Seremaiah, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Leaders Party
Republic of Vanuatu

74. Hon. Marcelino Barthelemy, Chairman, Institutional and Constitutional Affairs Committee, RMC
Republic of Vanuatu

73. Hon. Marcelino Barthelemy, Chairman, Institutional and Constitutional Affairs Committee, RMC
Republic of Vanuatu

72. Hon. Gaetan Pikioune, Chairman, Social Affairs Committee, RMC
Republic of Vanuatu

71. Hon. Anatol Hymak, Minister of Trade and Tourism, Union of Moderate Parties
Republic of Vanuatu

70. Hon. John Salong, Minister of Finance and Economic Management, Graon mo Jastis Pati
Republic of Vanuatu

69. Hon. John Amos Vacher, Minister of Justice and Community Services, Leaders Party
Republic of Vanuatu

68. Hon. Job Andy, Chairman, Ad Hoc Committee, Leaders Party
Republic of Vanuatu

67. Hon. Ian Wilson, Member of Parliament, Leaders Party
Republic of Vanuatu

66. Hon. Alick Terry, Vice Chairman, Public Accounts Committee, Graon mo Jastis Pati
Republic of Vanuatu

65. Hon. Ralph Regenvanu, Party President, Graon mo Jastis Pati
Republic of Vanuatu

64. Hon. Jotham Napat, Party President, Leaders Party
Republic of Vanuatu

63. Allegra Spender MP, Independent Federal Member for Wentworth, Australian House of Representatives, Independent
62. Maiko Tajima, Member of the House of Councillors, Constitutional Democratic Party

61. Adam Bandt MP, Leader of the Australian Greens, MP for Melbourne, Australian Federal Parliament, Australian Greens
60. Thomas Waitz MEP, European Parliament, Grüne
European Union

59. Dr Philippa Whitford MP, Member of Parliament for Central Ayrshire, UK Parliament, Scottish National Party
United Kingdom
58. Senator Barbara Pocock, Australian Greens
57. Lord Fakafanua, Speaker of Parliament, Legislative Assembly of Tonga, Independent

56. Alex Rowley MSP, Scottish Parliament, Scottish Labour

55. John Mason MSP, Scottish Parliament, Scottish National Party

54. Ariane Burgess MSP, Green Group Convener, Scottish Parliament, Scottish Green Party

53. Senator Dorinda Cox, Senator for Western Australia, Australian Greens
52. Senator Jordon Steele-John, Australian Greens
51. Michelle Thomson MSP, Scottish Parliament, Scottish National Party

50. Colin Smyth MSP, Member of the Scottish Parliament for South Scotland, Scottish Labour

49. Stephen Bates MP, MP for Brisbane, Australian Greens
48. Helen Haines MP, Independent Federal Member for Indi, Member of the Australian House of Representatives, Independent
47. Carol Monaghan MP, Member of Parliament for Glasgow North West, UK Parliament, Scottish National Party
United Kingdom
46. Senator Larissa Waters, Senator for Queensland, Greens Leader in the Senate, Australian federal parliament, Australian Greens
45. Dr Monique Ryan MP, Member of the Australian House of Representatives for Kooyong, Independent
44. Caroline Lucas MP, UK Parliament, Green Party
United Kingdom
43. Sen Hamida Kibwana, Parliament of Kenya, Orange Democratic Movement

42. Rt Hon Sir George Howarth MP, UK Parliament, Labour Party
United Kingdom
41. Kylea Tink MP, Member for the Federal Electorate of North Sydney, Australian Federal Parliament, Independent
40. Michael Bloss MEP, European Parliament, Bündnis90/Grüne
European Union

39. David Torrance MSP, Scottish Parliament, Scottish National Party

38. Mark Ruskell MSP, Scottish Parliament, Scottish Green Party

37. Chris MacManus MEP, European Parliament, Sinn Féin,
European Union

36. Drew Hendry MP, Scottish Parliament, Scottish National Party Westminster Economy Spokesperson, Scottish National Party
United Kingdom
35. Ross Greer MSP, Scottish Parliament, Scottish Green Party

34. Paul Murphy TD, Dáil Éireann, People Before Profit
33. Ms Alison Thewliss MP, Shadow Home Affairs Spokesperson, UK Parliament, Scottish National Party
United Kingdom
32. Députée Sandrine Rousseau, Assemblée nationale, Ecologistes

31. Mr Stewart McDonald MP, UK Parliament, Scottish National Party
United Kingdom
30. Mr Kenny MacAskill MP, UK Parliament, Alba
United Kingdom
29. Mr Barry Andrews MEP, Member of European Parliament, Renew
European Union

28. Mr Mick Wallace MEP, Member of European Parliament, Independent 4 Change
European Union

27. Ms. Kathrin Henneberger, Bundestag, Bündnis90/Die Grünen (Green Party)

26. Mrs Patricia Gibson MP, UK Parliament, Scottish National Party,
United Kingdom
25. Petros Kokkalis MEP, Member of European Parliament, The Left
European Union

24. Député Hubert Julien-Laferrière, Membre de la Commission des affaires étrangères, Les écologistes , Assemblée Nationale

23. Députée Nadège Abomangoli, Secretary of the Foreign affairs commission, La France insoumise, Assemblée Nationale

22. Dr Abreham Berta Aneseyee, Advisory of the Parliament, Ethiopian Citizen for Social and Justices (EZEMA), House of Peoples Representatives

21. Ms Agnes Mpingana Kafula MP, Deputy Chairperson of Natural Resources Committee, South West Africa People's Organisation (SWAPO Party)

20. Hon. Amongin Jacquiline, Chair climate change sub committee, Independent, East African Legislative Assembly

19. Herlinde Lucia Tjiveze MP, National Assembly, Republican Party

18. Hon. Rebecca Yei Kamara, Law Maker, Sierra Leone People's Party
Sierra Leone

17. Hon. Abdoulie Ceesay, Deputy Majority Leader, Executive member, National Peoples Party

16. BiyiShartsi K Musherure, Independent, Parliament of Uganda

15. Hon. Yaya Gassama, Chairman, Environment and Climate Change Committee, United Democratic Party

14. Twaambo Mutinta MP, United party for National development
13. Juma Zacharia Deng Jonga MP, Transitional National Legislative Assembly, Sudan People's Liberation Movement-in-Opposition
South Sudan

12. Hon Solomon Maren Bulus, Peoples Democratic Party
11. Biyika Lawrence Songa MP, Chairperson of Parliamentary Committee and Forum on Climate Change, National Resistance Movement,

10. Sahar Albazar, Deputy chair of foreign affairs committee, Nation’s Future

9. Mohamed Ayib Salim Daffé, Président de la Comission des Délégations, Member of climate Committee, PASTEF Les Patriotes, National Assembly of Sénégal

8. Chris Law MP, UK Parliament, Scottish National Party
United Kingdom
7. Député Malick Kebe, Membre of commission, Yewwi Askan wi

6. Aissata Camara, Vice-president of the Economic Affairs and Sustainable Development Committee, Front for the National Alliance, National Council of the Transition

5. RT Hon. Alban Sumana Kingsford Bagbin, Speaker of Ghana’s Parliament, National Democratic Congress

4. Hon. Kaaya Christine Nakimwero, National Unity Platform

3. Foysol Choudhury MBE MSP, Scottish Parliament, Scottish Labour

2. Monica Lennon MSP, Scottish Parliament, Scottish Labour and Co-op

1. Maggie Chapman MSP, Scottish Parliament, Scottish Green Party

Hon. Ralph Regenvanu, Minister of Climate Change, Adaptation, Meteorology And
Geo-hazards, Energy, Environment and Disaster Risk-management
Republic of Vanuatu

Bob, Minister of Climate Change, Adaptation, Meteorology And
Geo-hazards, Energy, Environment and Disaster Risk-management
Republic of Vanuatu

Teo, Minister of Climate Change, Adaptation, Meteorology And
Geo-hazards, Energy, Environment and Disaster Risk-management
Republic of Vanuatu